Economic operation of shipbuilding industry from January to March 2021
Source: China Shipbuilding Industry Association
From January to March 2021, the world economy gradually came out of the trough, the container ship transport market took the lead in picking up, and the global orders for new ships showed a compensatory rebound. China's shipbuilding enterprises completed and new orders increased significantly compared with the same period last year, and the number of hand-held orders was basically flat with the same period last year. However, the production and operation of key monitoring enterprises are still facing great challenges due to the impact of the rapid rise in raw material prices.
First, the three national shipbuilding indicators increased by two and decreased by one
From January to March, 9.79 million deadweight tons of shipbuilding were completed nationwide, up 39.8 percent year on year. Orders for new ships reached 17.2 million DWT, up 251.7 percent year on year. At the end of March, orders for hand-held ships totaled 78.48 million DWT, down 1.4 percent year on year and up 10.4 percent from the end of 2020.
From January to March, China completed 9.09 million dead weight tons of export ships, up 32.7% year on year; To undertake export ship orders of 14.69 million DWT, up 216.5% year on year; At the end of March, export ship orders reached 69.45 million DWT, down 5.1% year on year. Export ships accounted for 92.9% of the completed shipbuilding, 85.4% of the new orders and 88.5% of the hand-held orders, respectively.
2. Focus on monitoring the indicators of enterprises
1. The three shipbuilding indexes of shipbuilding enterprises keep growing
From January to March, 50 key monitoring shipbuilding enterprises completed 9.67 million deadweight tons of ships, up by 4.0% year on year. Orders for new ships reached 17.07 million dead weight tons, up 261.7 percent year on year. At the end of March, orders for hand-held ships totaled 77.01 million deadweight tons, basically flat from a year earlier.
From January to March, 50 key monitored shipbuilding enterprises completed export ships of 9.09 million DWT, up 3.5% year on year. To undertake export ship orders of 14.69 million DWT, up 227.9% year on year; At the end of March, hand-held export ship orders reached 68.59 million DWT, down 3.5% year on year. Export ships accounted for 94.0%, 86.1% and 89.1% of the completed, new and hand-held orders of key shipbuilding enterprises, respectively.
2. The number of ships completed by ship repair enterprises increased year-on-year
From January to March, 777 ships were repaired by 15 key monitoring ship repair enterprises, up 22.9% year on year.
3. Marine diesel engine manufacturers keep growing
From January to March, 7 key monitoring Marine diesel engine manufacturing enterprises produced a total of 4987 sets of all kinds of medium, low and high speed diesel engines, up 62.5% year on year. The completed power reached 2.979 million kilowatts, up 44.4% year on year.
4. The total industrial output value of shipping enterprises increased year on year
From January to March, the total industrial output value of 75 key monitored shipping enterprises reached 79.4 billion yuan, up 30.2% year on year. The output value of shipbuilding was 37.2 billion yuan, up 32.4 percent year on year; The output value of ship matching was 7.70 billion yuan, up 94.4% year on year; The output value of ship repair was 3.87 billion yuan, up 17.3% year on year.
5. Revenue growth of shipping enterprises
From January to March, 75 key monitoring shipping enterprises realized their main business income of 53 billion yuan, up 21.6% year on year. The total profit was 110 million yuan.
III. The international market share of the three major indexes of shipbuilding remains stable
From January to March, China's shipbuilding completed volume, new orders placed and hand-held orders accounted for 43.4%, 47.4% and 44.6% of the world market, respectively.